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Found 32913 results for any of the keywords surya dental care. Time 0.009 seconds.
Best Dental Clinic in Trichy | Best Dentist in Trichy - Surya Dental CSurya Dental Care is the best dental clinic in Trichy having world-class facilities to provide excellent dental treatments for all dental ailments.
How to get rid of cavities naturally at home - Surya Dental CareDiscover effective natural remedies for treating cavities without harmful chemicals. Learn how to naturally cure cavities and improve your oral health.
Top Celebrities with Dental Implants : Before and AfterGetting to know the importance of dental implants is explained along with top celebrities who had changed their looks with Dental implants.
Coconut Oil Pulling Dangers: Risks and PrecautionsOil pulling can be beneficial as it removes bacteria and stimulates saliva production. But before that, you need to know oil pulling dangers that are discussed here.
What Causes Black Spots On Tongue - Surya DentalBlack spots on the tongue can go away if you maintain proper oral hygiene, and in some cases, they may last longer, which indicates severe conditions like tongue cancer.
Child Dentist Clinic in Trichy | Child Dentist in Trichy - Surya DentaOur dentists offer specialized dental care for kids with customized treatments suited for toddlers to make them feel relax on the Dentist Chair.
All You Need To Know About Composite VeneersLearn what composite veneers are and whether composite veneers suit you from this blog post. Also, know the other options available in cosmetic dentistry to achieve a flawless smile.
What Does Scalloped Tongue Mean And How To Treat It?Indentations on the sides of your tongue are generally called scalloped tongue, and some dentists call it tongue crenation. It s generally not a serious condition but may signal underlying health issues.
What are Permanent Retainers and How Can It Help You?Permanent retainers are used after an orthodontic treatment to maintain the result of the treatment. Read more to learn more about permanent retainers.
HPV In Mouth: Symptoms, Preventions, Diagnosis and TreatmentsHuman papillomavirus (HPV) infections in the mouth are bothersome. They develop tongue warts, oral hpv lesions, and even cancer cells. We explained it here
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